Reporting Illegal and Unethical Conduct Statement

Sustainable Development Council (SDC) guiding principles with respect to Reporting Illegal and  Unethical Conduct Statement

Sustainable Development Council (SDC) Reporting Illegal and Unethical Conduct Statement

At the Sustainable Development Council (SDC), we uphold the highest standards of ethical conduct and integrity in all our endeavors. We are committed to fostering a work environment that encourages transparency, accountability, and the responsible stewardship of resources. If you become aware of any illegal or unethical conduct within the organization, we encourage you to report it promptly.

Reporting Channels:

SDC provides multiple channels for reporting illegal or unethical conduct to ensure that individuals feel secure and confident in coming forward. You may choose any of the following reporting mechanisms:

  1. SDC Ethics Hotline:
    • Call: Official Number
    • Online:
  2. Supervisor or Manager:
    • Discuss the matter with your immediate supervisor or manager.
  3. Human Resources Department:
    • Contact the Human Resources department to report concerns related to workplace conduct.
  4. Written Report:
    • Submit a written report addressed to the SDC Ethics Committee.

Confidentiality and Non-Retaliation:

SDC is committed to maintaining the confidentiality of individuals who report illegal or unethical conduct to the extent permitted by law. We prohibit retaliation against anyone who, in good faith, reports concerns or cooperates with an investigation. Your courage in coming forward is valued, and we take all necessary steps to protect those who report potential misconduct.

What to Include in Your Report:

When reporting illegal or unethical conduct, please provide as much detail as possible to facilitate a thorough investigation. Include the following information:

  1. Nature of the Conduct:
    • Specify the illegal or unethical behavior you observed or experienced.
  2. Individuals Involved:
    • Identify the individuals involved, including names and positions if known.
  3. Date, Time, and Location:
    • Provide the date, time, and location of the observed or experienced conduct.
  4. Supporting Documentation:
    • Include any supporting documents, evidence, or relevant information.
  5. Your Contact Information:
    • Optionally, provide your contact information if you wish to be contacted for further clarification.

Investigation Process:

Reports will be promptly and thoroughly investigated by the SDC Ethics Committee. The investigation process ensures fairness, confidentiality, and adherence to legal and ethical standards.

No-Tolerance Policy:

SDC maintains a no-tolerance policy for illegal or unethical conduct. If the investigation substantiates the reported conduct, appropriate corrective and disciplinary actions will be taken, including but not limited to termination, legal proceedings, or referral to law enforcement authorities.


Reporting illegal or unethical conduct is a vital component of maintaining the integrity of our organization. SDC is committed to addressing concerns promptly and appropriately to uphold our values and ethical standards. Your commitment to maintaining a culture of honesty and accountability contributes to the overall success of our mission.

Thank you for your dedication to the principles of sustainable development and ethical conduct at SDC. Your vigilance is crucial in ensuring that we continue to work towards a sustainable and responsible future.

Ethics Committee,
Sustainable Development Council.