lets make sdg a global reality

Advancing Local Community as a model for global sustainable development, embracing a comprehensive approach that fosters environmental, social, and economic equilibrium, and inclusivity on a worldwide scale..

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Join the Global Drive, Act Now for SDG Dive

Join the Global Drive, Act Now for SDG Dive – A Sustainable Tomorrow Begins Today!

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From Words to Deeds, Plant the Seeds

Act Now for SDG Needs!

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Inspire, Transform, Sustain

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Encouraging positive change, drive transformation, and ensure lasting sustainability. Take immediate action for tangible gains in advancing Sustainable Development Goals.

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Global Goals, Local Souls: Act Now for Sustainable Roles!

Join us for local community engagement to achieve global sustainability goals, urging immediate action for impactful roles.

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Sustainable development council

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Sustainable development council

The Sustainable Development Council (SDC), an International Non-Profit and partner of the United Nations Framework Convention for Climate Change (NWP) and a Member of the United Nations ECOSOC Organisation with Special Consultative Status, aims to inspire, encourage, and facilitate the realization of a global network of SDC worldwide where businesses, NGOs, policymakers, civil society, and the general public can work together to achieve the SDGs. SDC is an organization that is inclusive, accessible, and ethically driven, thus focusing on creating unity, respect, success, sustainability, and opportunities to contribute to the SDGs for everyone.


SDG driven policy making & planning

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SDG financing & budgeting

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SDG monitoring,evaluation & reporting

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SDG related research, development & innovations

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SDG based education,awareness & communications

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Multi-stakeholder partnerships for SDG achievement

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ACT NOW with us for Long-term investment plans

Sustainable cities, Sustainable ecosystems, sustainable agriculture, and climate resilience
Universal quality education and innovation-based economy
Universal health coverage, Transformation to universal digital access and services
Zero-carbon energy systems

the global goals

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Why do we need the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs? The 17 Sustainable Development Goals and 169 targets are part of the United Nations 2015-2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
The SDGs reflect a priority to: End poverty and hunger, in all their forms and dimensions, and to ensure that all human beings can fulfill their potential in dignity and equality and in a healthy environment (People); Protect the planet from degradation, including through sustainable consumption and production, sustainably managing its natural resources and taking urgent action on climate change, so that it can support the needs of the present and future generations (Planet); Ensure that all human beings can enjoy prosperous and fulfilling lives and that economic, social and technological progress occurs in harmony with nature (Prosperity); Foster peaceful, just and inclusive societies which are free from fear and violence. There can be no sustainable development without peace and no peace without sustainable development (Peace); Mobilize the means required to implement this Agenda through a revitalized Global Partnership for Sustainable Development, based on a spirit of strengthened global solidarity, focussed in particular on the needs of the poorest and most vulnerable and with the participation of all countries, all stakeholders and all people (Partnership).

Our Advantages

Plant One Emit Zero
Sustainable Institution
Generation Equality 

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Our Updates

Plant One Emit Zero - launched by Nobel Peace Laureate Dr. Era Helfand, M.D., at the 17th Annual Human Rights Summit at United Nations Head Quarters, New York.
Sept 21,2023 By SDC

Plant One, Emit Zero is a Climate Reversal Campaign that leads to the planting of 10 Million Trees and creating Forest in a Year in India by students to reverse the Climate by equalising carbon footprints We need to reduce it by 45% by 2030, so we can achieve Climate Neutrality by 2050. This campaign aims to minimize the carbon footprint by planting trees. The Average Tree Absorbs an Average of 20 lbs. of Carbon each year for its first 20 years of life. And Planting Them is thought to be the best Nature-Based Climate Change Solution.

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SDGCouncil Delegation at the regional conference on Corporate Sustainability and Environmental Rights in Asia at UN ESCAP
Oct 04, 2023 By SDC

SDC Representation at CORPORATE SUSTAINABILITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL RIGHTS IN ASIA, convened at the UNCC in Bangkok represented by Dr. Datchanamoorthy Ramu, President and Mr. Gokulnath, Secretary- General of the Sustainable Development Council, During the event Dr. Datchanamoorthy Ramu poses crucial questions about the challenges faced in achieving Goal 14.provide insightful responses, shedding light on the critical importance of preserving our oceans and marine life. Gain valuable perspectives on the urgent need for increased funding and innovative solutions to protect our planet's aquatic ecosystems

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World Cities Day Connect 2023 by Sustainable Development Council - Promotes Sustainable and Inclusive Cities a
Oct 31, 2023 By SDC

The "World Cities Day Connect 2023" was held on October 31, 2023, at the Radisson Blu in Chennai, with a resounding commitment to "Building Sustainable and Inclusive Cities for All." Organized by the Sustainable Development Council (SDC) in collaboration with UN-Habitat, this one-day initiative marked the Global Observance of World Cities Day, focusing on advancing the development of smart cities in India with a strong emphasis on sustainability and inclusivity.

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Halfway to 2030

2023 marks the half-way point to the deadline of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030.

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